

I can see you in the shining sun
Smiling at me in the morning

I can feel you in the splash of water
That rejuvenates me back to life

I can feel you in the aroma of flowers
During my walk along the shady path

I can feel you in the lovely breeze
That brushes my hair off my forehead

I can feel you in the drizzle drops
That touch and tickle my cheeks

I can see you in the food and drink
That keeps me fit and healthy

I can see you in my duty and job
That challenges me and my mind

I can see you in the flying flock of birds
That remind me to go back home

I can see you in my loving pets
For their eyes shine with all thy love

I can see you in the swaying plants in the garden
While they dance with all your grace

I can see you in the twinkling stars
Each of them, a token of your love

I can see you in the soothing night
You`re the moon that shines there silently

I can see you in my family and friends
While they hold my hand through thick and thin

I can see you in my smile and happiness
For you are the cause for all of it.

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